kadeem greaves:
who are you? who or what do you consider yourself to be?kirikoo des:
i'm a french guy, who grew up in sorbonne. i'm an artist, i do music, dance, performances and i combine everything with installations and things of that nature.k––
does what you do personally define who you are?kd––
being an artist, defines who i am. i analyze my life through this artist lens, you know. my parents strived to be artists, i believe it is freedom to do what you want. and being an artist has a really heavy meaning for me.k––
what’s the meaning?kd––
k––when you’re an artist you have to constantly criticize the society. play with it, you know?
how do you think you're perceived in Berlin?
i don't know. the funny thing is i live in this crystal castle. i see berlin. i don't have much interaction with the city. i have 10 friends, or so friends here. even less, maybe five. i don't really interact with the rest of the people. i go out a lot, but i'm pretty shy. i'm not really an extrovert... so i can’t really give you an answer.
you are shy but your stature engulfs the room. you are striking, but then you're shy. it’s an interesting juxtaposition.
its funny, maybe it's also because my english is not so well. everyone here speaks english well and so its difficult for me to interact with people. so i'm more an observer. it’s totally different when i'm in paris.
when we met for the shoot what were your thoughts? what did you notice first?kd––
that everybody was young.k––
and what did you think about that?kd––
it's really important to have media, it's the only way to share what you think. the problem is the politics involved. media, is one of the tools to open the brains of people....it is important when you're young to understand this and take it as something serious.
more and more it is difficult to have real information.. we start to make people blind.
all this fashion stuff is cool but for this moment i put it in second place because they are more important things to say... there are too many things we don't really have resolved from our past, our culture. that's why most of the time i'm a bit skeptical… people say "yea, just chill." it is difficult to chill, i will give you an example because for me its difficult to explain. if you live in this world where happiness is expected, the status quo, and when you are not happy you cannot express your displeasure. there is a problem…but you also have to have the same power to say i am not happy.
kd––i think i am simply a person. if we all consider everyone just people what will that world look like?
do you know donna haraway? she asked what is going to be the gender when everyone is a cyborg? how will we define gender when cyborgs will be normalized within our society? gender in society, in the system, is totally a concept they made you. they are some people that are going to pimp out the market to receive you… how to make clothes, to build stories, make magazines. how the society can understand these people to use them. gender is not something to make you free.k–
one of the things i found interesting while editing the photos, is that your relationship seems to have inverted roles. what i mean by that is that fa' seems to be the protector and there's a tenderness that emanates from you in the photos. can you describe to me what love is to you?kd––
when my father died, for me it was the 1st real feeling of "ok i really loved my father." it was something detached from concepts of sex, boy, man, or whatever. it was the real feeling about love. when people take care of you. when people see you grow. you share life with. for me love is this. love is not the feeling you have in real time. it’s something you notice when stuff disappears, or you think it disappears.